Wednesday 11 July 2007

Personal opinion

Personal opinion: after reading through these articles and observing my little sister I can see that advertising has huge affects on young children. When you look at an advert you think ''oh that looks nice, im hungry now'' or '' he/she's really good looking wish i could look like them'' that is a normal reaction to adverts. Me myself was anorexic during year 8 and I use to look at these pretty girls in adverts and think I was fat and i was getting ill and very unhealthy at a younger age you generally are more concious about the way you look. Adverts are aimed at certain age groups and they have hidden meanings behind them which want you to purchase that product or influence you to do somthing. At a younger age as your more concious anout the way you look you generally seem to be more influenced by these types of adverts such as food adverts, make up adverts and toy adverts. Looking at Barbie dolls you think they have such lovely figures why cant I look like that?. At a younger age your generally more naieve and fall for these types of adverts even though they may generally not be true. Also young boys that play with figures such as action man with 6pacs and a strong body, they try and copy it. Younger boys are trying to get heqlthier bodies 6pacs at a young age which they shouldnt be worrying about body image, they should be playing with their toys. Childhood is being taken away from these children through advertising there are many sociological views towards this I will research further into this and will publish it into a post thank you.

1 comment:

K Ward said...

This is all really good stuff, you now need to have a focussed hypothesis posted so your readers know your direction. Try not to make this too psychological - your looking at the effects of advertising on an audience!